Tuesday, October 7, 2008

first JA

For JA (Junior Achievement)I went to this eigth grade class at Roosevelt Middle. The teacher, Ms. Noakes, is so nice and really laid back, which really helped a lot. As my first experience 'teaching' a classroom I feel it went pretty well. The students were great, I was surprised at how involvoled some of them were. There was about 8 or 10 kids that consistently participated. It was really nice, and I thought that maybe teaching might be the thing for me. The best part was interacting with the students. I was totally against teaching middle school before, but now it might be an option. The only downsides,some of the kids were genuinely bored to death and the lesson seemed to drag on in parts. The whole thing with talking about the jobs as a class, and then in seperate groups, and then as a class again - a little much. It could have been formatted differently and streamlining would most likely have cut the boredom. Overall it was a good lesson and I feel the students did get something out of it. But it's an experiement, and a pretty fun one.

1 comment:

futbolhead said...

I had my first JA this week and I was also surpised at the genuine enthusiasm, although I get the feeling that it was more of a relief for the students to get away from the monotony-likeclass days that I remember. I also acknowledged that the lessons in JA can seem boring. I think JA is a good training for us because we can see how things work and how we can make them work better. On some sections I cut to the point faster or differently, worked to keep things lively esp from those who looked bored. The Roosevelt school is a good school though.